Adventure in the mountains

Day 1: Arrival Amman Airport – Amman Hotel
Upon arrival at Amman Airport. Then transfer to your hotel in Amman for overnight.

Day 2: Amman city tour – Ajloun – Jerash- Madaba hotel
Start the day after breakfast our day. with a city tour in Jordan capital: visit the citadel with roman, byzantine and Islamic remains as well as the excellent archaeological museum. From here we drive to the Islamic castle Ajloun with panorama views to the Jordan Valley We leave to Jerash, the best example of a Roman provincial city in the whole Middle East. Visit Oval Plaza, Roman colonnaded street, the Nymphaeum and the Temple of Artemis… Overnight Madaba hotel. 

Day 3:  Madaba – Mt Nebo- king’s way – Kerak castle – Dana camp
We start our day. After breakfast we visit  Madaba, to see the famous mosaic 6th-century map of Palestine in St. George’s church. We head to Mt. Nebo, the place where Prophet Moses gazed at the Promised Land before he died. After that we. Driving along the famous ancient caravan route the King’s Way, Then we continue to Kerak. In Kerak visit the famous Crusader castle built in 1132/34 by King Baldwin I. of Jerusalem. Continue to Dana for overnight at Dana camp.

Day 4:  From Wadi Dana to Wadi Feynan
We start our day. After breakfast at Dana camp we follow a spectacular blend of mountains and desert landscapes, as well as an extraordinary botanic diversity, make Dana nature reserve one of its kind the reserve stretches over from the edge of Edom plateau down to the Araba valley, its altitudes vary with short distances from 1,650m above sea level to 150m below, creating different climatic conditions and habitats. 
The reserve is dissected by deep canyons, winding below lofty sandstone massifs with overwhelming views. The white sandstone at the reserve is sculpted into domes and valleys blanketed by vegetation. To date, 700 species of plants have been recorded in the reserve as well as 200 birds and 36 mammals. The big mammals, though rare, include Nubian ibex (wild mountain goat) wolf, golden jackal, striped hyena, and red fox.
The botanic diversity of Dana combines the Mediterranean, desert (Sahara Arabian), steppe (Irano-Turanian) and subtropical (Sudanian) plants. Trees include red juniper, Oak, pistachio. Oleander, brooms Acacia, cypress, all from the Mediterranean zone. Overnight in Feynan.


Day 5: Hiking From Wadi Feynan to Atlal Alsouffer & Bajah
We start our day. After Breakfast at camp Leaving Wadi Feinan towards the Araba valley along a narrow canyon of sandstone and igneous rocks, as well as towering peaks and vast expanses of the colorful desert landscape. Spectacular fields of red sand dunes all over the Araba. The desert between Feinan and Petra is awe-inspiring in its beauty and the extraordinary moon-like landscape. It is a region filled with history, battles, and revolutions reaching back as far as the Old Testament when Solomon and Aaron passed through in their search for the Promised Land. 
A special character, not found elsewhere in Jordan combination of Volcanic Mountains, Sand dunes, wildlife, above all, Petra the fabulous Nabatean capital is located here, hidden among cliffs of red sandstone mountains. Visit Bajah, the site of an Edomite Stronghold, located atop a sandstone bluff (1,230m) 5 km north of Little Petra. Surrounded by sheer cliffs, the access to the site demands a head for heights as well as climbing skills.
Leave Siq Bajah up to Jebal Qaroun overlook the Araba valley, majestic colorful canyon, spectacular views of the Araba valley and the Petra mountains, explore Nabatean water installation and ruins, beautiful valleys of sandstones, gardens of junipers. Camping Jebal Qaroun Bedouin Tents.

Day 6: Jabel Qaroun – Little Petra – Shamasat
We start our day. After Breakfast at the camp leave Jabal Garoun towards the northern side of little Petra `the famous Nabatean caravan stations, superb views of Petra, and the tombs of Aaron, brother of Moses. Little Petra was the major caravanserai of the Nabatean capital. It’s easy to imagine the sounds and smells of old days, when traders, caravan masters, drovers, and local dwellers roamed about, chatted, negotiated, argued and prayed.
Mediterranean trees such as Oak, juniper, carob, and pistacia thrive here in small sandy valleys among typical desert plants such as the desert broom, visit little Petra (Baidah) 300BC, Rock stairs lead to rock carved streets, and thence to rock carved palaces, temples, houses, and dwellings. Afterward hiking to the Neolithic village at Baidah dates from 7000 to 6500 BC. A uniquely complete record of architectural evolution from the early Neolithic period (c.6800 BC) Leaving the Neolithic village southwest to Wadi Shamasat for camping.

Aaron’s tomb

Day 7: Wadi Shamassat – El Deer – Wadi Maysrah
We start our day. After breakfast at camp start full day hiking from Wadi Shammasat to Monastery (El Deer) via the Araba Mountain, the trail maneuvers amidst rocks marked by occasional red paint spots. Rock carved Nabatean monuments are reached within 40 min from the watershed. From here will continuo trekking through the mountains overlooking the Jordan valley and the Syrian African Rift to the Monastery of El Deer after 2.30 hrs. Trekking tour the Monastery and the surrounding areas. Afterward, retrace 900 steps down to Museums then to Wadi Farash and the city center of Petra. 
Afternoon leaving the city center and start trekking! Impressive facades of tombs and temples are hewn into the rock and traces of aqueducts and cisterns are seen everywhere. The place possesses an extraordinary peacefulness. It is worthwhile to visit some of the Nabataean water installation and old caves, following the canyon and the rocky Wadi until it suddenly narrows to the steep little gorge. The routs are really impressive, it was a secret entrance or I can say a military entrance to Petra in the ancient days, trekking from the city center to the summit where ruins of Nabatean compound overlook superb scenery, wonderful views to the Wadi Mayserah, Camping Wadi Mayserah Bedouin tents.

Day 8: Wadi Mayserah – Petra – Wadi Enmear – Wadi Farasha – High Places   Hotel  in Petra  
We start our day. After Breakfast at the camp start full day hiking from Wadi Mayserah to Petra Via Wadi Enmear, a steep track with imposing views descends westwards from the northern part of the Petra city to the southern part a narrow gorge called wadi Enmear the trail ascends to an elevated rock terrace, passes some carved niches, only one hour to the city center of Petra winding route with dramatic panoramas to Wadi Farash and the high place of sacrifice mountain from which the group can overlook all Petra. 
Hiking Wadi Farasah and exploring some of Old Nabatean houses there, then climb a short way to reach a natural cleft, which leads into the site. On both sides of the valley are rock-hewn facades of spectacular mountains, descending rocky slopes, follow cairns to negotiate some steep rock ledges, upon the right bank of the steep wadi we will view the theater from the top. Then Up to the high place of sacrifice, looking over the city of Petra, then retrace the steps down through the cooler valley and exploring the city center and Al Kazneh, afternoon hiking through the Siq to our hotel in Petra.

Day 9: Petra- Wadi rum
We start our day. After breakfast, we drive to wadi rum to make hiking journey in wadi rum We start our hiking in Rum village, from where we will walk east for 3 km to Rakabet Canyon. Throughout our walk, you will enjoy the views of wonderful sandstone mountains all around us. On the other side of the canyon (Wadi Um Ishrin) we will stop for rest. After that, we will continue through Wadi Um Ishrin to the famous sand dunes. We will then continue on to the Anfasheih inscriptions (dating to 300BC), one of Wadi Rum’s most famous historic sites.  
After we finish examining the Anfasheih area, we will then continue our trek through the desert, taking in the beautiful sights and sounds of Wadi Rum. Finally, we will reach our destination of Jabel Mkaser Athbee (Gazelle Mountain)  At night, you can enjoy the canopy of stars above your head before you settle in for bed in a tent.

Day 10: Wadi rum
The second day starts with breakfast served in the tent. We then head south and drive 40 minutes through the red desert to an east/west ridge called Jebel Al Hash. You are accompanied on an easy hike up the ridge to the top of the mountain. There you will discover magnificent views to the north and south. The guide will then lead you along the scenic ridge for 3 to 4 hours and then bring you back down to the base of the mountain. Then we will drive you close by the border with Saudi Arabia to the White Desert. After this, we will go to the Elephant rock and the nearby sand dunes. We will then take you to Qatar Spring, a natural spring where you will see the water coming directly from a rock. After visiting the spring, then we will take you to the Um Sabata area to watch a beautiful sunset landscape. Then we will drive you back to the tent for the night.

Day 11: Wadi rum
We start our day After breakfast in our tent we will drive you with Jeep to Jebel Burdah and will guide you scrambling up to the Burdah Rock Bridge. It is an easy rock scramble – no prior rock climbing experience is needed – and the views from the top are incredible. The climb itself will take around 1 ½ hour to the bridge, and another 1 hour to come back down.
After descending. We will then drive you to Burrah canyon, where you can enjoy a lovely short hike (~3km) through the valley. We will then continue to Um Rashed to watch another gorgeous sunset in the desert. Finally, we will drive back to the tent.

Wadi Rum

Day 12: Wadi rum  – Aqaba
We start our day after .breakfast, we will drive you to our next hike at Jebel Um Adami mountain.  This mountain lies on the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia, with the summit on the Jordanian side. When we arrive, we will begin our hike/scramble to the summit, which will take 4-5 hours in total.  Once at the top, we will enjoy the views of Wadi Rum to the north and Saudi Arabia to the south.  During this hike, you may see a variety of different desert wildlife, including plants, lizards, and perhaps even a fox or rabbit.  After we finish our descent down the mountain, then we will drive to Aqaba for overnight.

Day 13: Aqaba
We start our day .after breakfast. you have the opportunity to spend a full day at the red sea for relaxing, swimming and snorkeling after a long and tiring journey in the desert. overnight in Aqaba.

Day 14: Aqaba –   Dead sea- Airport
After Breakfast,  check out hotel. Then we drive to the lowest point on earth dead sea we have the chance to make floating in the water we spend full dau in privet beach .than we move for Amman for dinner .then we drive to Amman airport to say farewell and board your flight.